Is There a Western Way of War?

In this article I introduce the debate over a Western Way of War and some of the key works that have driven the discussion. In twin books, The Western Way of War: Infantry Battle in Classical Greece and Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power the eminent historian Victor Davis Hanson argued that that several…

What Does “Airborne” Even Mean?

Its not just for parachute troops Much has been made of the recent decision to re-activate the 11th Airborne Division in Alaska. However, one central question remains — what to do with the Stryker brigade at Fort Wainwright. Because the 20-ton wheeled vehicles are less than ideal in an arctic operating environment, that brigade will likely revert…

From Airborne Adventures to Historical Insights: A Historian’s Journey

Greetings, fellow history nerds! I’m Rob, and I’m thrilled to embark on this journey with you through the annals of the U.S. Army’s past. My fascination with military history was kindled during my time in airborne units, where every jump and mission became a chapter in the unfolding story of our nation’s defense. Delving into…